We just released our best All in One single or Multi vendor eCommerce store with Mobile apps for a fraction of cost! you can create any kind of store using this Latest product eCommerceGenius Bundle. Grab it before discount is closed. “Ecommerce PRO” is a complete solution for Multi Vendor Ecommerce Business Management System. This CMS Includes almost everything you need to make a ecommerce business website. Paypal, Stripe and Payment of Delivery is integrated for easy payment transaction. There are three types of admin panel for Users, Vendors and Website admin. When user will purchase different products from different vendors then admin will get the order details as well as each vendor will get the order details of his/her products. Vendors will not see the other vendor order details.
Vendor orders will have three status: Pending, Processing and Completed. When vendor mark the order as processing or completed then main admin can see those status in his admin panel. All vendor can easily add their products from their dashboard and vendors have the fully control over their products. They can Edit, Deactivate/Activate and remove their products. When the orders will be completed by vendors then main admin will mark the order as completed and all vendors will get their money available in their dashbord.
Vendor can request their money from the admin by withdraw method.There are four method included in this system to withdraw money. Vendor can select any method such as Paypal, Skrill, Bank or Payoneer. When they will request withdrawls then main admin will get the request and process the request after taking small fee.
Main admin Can setup a withdraw fee such as $1 from the admin panel and a small percentage of total amount of withdrawl such as 2% which also can be setup from admin panel. Then system will automatically calculate the fee and percentage from the total amount and will show the Withdrawl amount and the total fee separately to the admin. Then admin will process the withdrawl and vendors will be get paid.
This system is very easy to maintain and admin can maku huge money from vendors by this system. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers.
Frontend Demo: http://demo.geniusocean.com/multivendor/
Admin Demo: http://demo.geniusocean.com/multivendor/admin
Admin Login:
User: admin@gmail.com
Vendor Demo: http://demo.geniusocean.com/multivendor/vendor
Vendor Login:
User: vendor@gmail.com
If you are looking for more features with multi vendor option then check this script: https://codecanyon.net/item/ecommercegenius/
We are always happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us for any kind of customization, support, query and suggestion. We will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Email: admin@geniusocean.com